Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Way better than the Santa at the mall

I don't particularly like taking the boys to meet Santa at the mall. Is that normal? It's very unenjoyable to me and waiting in line for more than 3 minutes with the boys is like herding cats. We're the family that everyone looks at while they smile at us and say, "You have two very active boys."

We smile with an overwhelmed looked on our face and continue to save Jude from being smacked in the face with the ropes in the queuing area. Why are those spring loaded!

After 40 minutes of me pleading with them to avoid germs and to not mess up their perfectly combed hair (which never works), they are dying to just run! Who cares about Santa! Waiting in line is not their best quality.

Christmas has arrived and so has the annual trip to visit Santa. Instead of fighting the crowds at the mall, we decided to go to a local library to visit him. My expectations were low, and I was relatively sure that we would just end up taking them to the mall for a better looking Santa and better pictures.

It was so great! A receptionist wrote down Jonah and Jude's names and said she would come get us in the library when it was our turn to visit Santa. So while we waited our turn, the boys sat down at the craft table and quietly crafted for 20 minutes. Then, they called our name and we went in to find a wonderful Santa and a cute little backdrop. It was totally free and you could take your own pictures! I couldn't believe it.

I will NEVER wait in the mall lines again! The pictures weren't as good as recent years were because of the cheesier props. But the boys had such a relaxing and peaceful visit. Awesome!

Jonah was so eager to pose.  He asked Santa for a powered 4-wheeler.  

Jonah and Jude

He wasn't scared, just didn't want to smile.  He was on the 10th day with a sinus infection and not feeling great, but still so sweet.  He wasn't contagious, so don't judge me:)

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